Thursday, September 11, 2008

What's New At The Farm? 9/10/2008

We’ve got some rain; just about time as things were getting a bit dry. We received two and a half inches at the farm over the weekend. I thought it was a nice warm rain as I decided to fix the gutters on the house about the time it started raining really hard. That’s one of those things you never think about until it needs to be done right there and then.

Farming continues here on the farm. The squash are ripening and the pumpkins are turning yellow. The peppers and tomatoes are also ripening at an increased pace now. Mike Bowman sprayed the tomatoes this week; it’ll probably be one of the last times this season.

The turkeys are still getting in. I saw a family group of about 12 and six jakes Monday morning on my weekly walk around the farm. We didn’t put 2 bys under the gates because we don’t know exactly where they’re getting in. Had we out 2 bys in it would have prevented the foxes and other small animals from getting in as well. The turkeys won’t do any damage now and pretty much stay down back, feeding in the cover crops we have in the ground. I think they’re flying over the fence anyways.

Speaking of animals around the farm I was thinking the other day of what I have seen around the farm in the past 25 years. Saw a moose once; it was around 1990; a cow moose standing on Rob’s front lawn mid-morning. Rob and the directors were having their weekly meeting on Rob’s office with the door closed – it was well known at the time that this wasn’t a good time to interrupt. I did anyways. Everyone came out and watched the moose amble down along the fence row until it was down over the hill and out of site.

Although we used to see a lot of deer sign around the farm – before the fence- we seldom saw any deer. Sometimes early in the morning we’d see one or two feeding in the pumpkin patch but not often did we see them in the fields; too much activity I guess.
We had a couple in field nine some year back that would stop tractors by standing there watching us. They’d move when they got around to it; no hurry.

We’ve had a catch and release program for many years now and have caught all the usual animals including skunks, raccoons, porcupines, squirrels and the occasional cat . All have been released unharmed somewhere in Albion or another neighboring town, except of course the cat which was released at the place we caught him. He didn’t waste any time hanging around to thank us once we opened the cage door. I’ve taken many squirrels and chipmunks home over the years but they don’t seem to hang around. I have red squirrels out back and I don’t think they all get along that well.

Until next week, Brian.


  1. Just found your blog and I look forward to reading. I do not live very far from your place. We have 4 free ranging turkeys at our farm and they have not done too much damage to our crops, just nibbled on a couple zucchinis.
    I went to your catalog store yesterday and bought the food mill/strainer and my husband and I made up 3 1/2 gallons on tomato sauce in about 30 minutes. I can not believe I have went all these years without.

  2. Thank you for visiting and commenting. We are so glad that you like the food mill/strainer, and that it has made your life that much easier.

    If you ever need any other advice or help with your farming endeavor (I read your profile - amazing!) remember, we're here to help in the store, online, or on the phone. Good luck with everything!


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