Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays to all of our readers! I'd like to apologize for the dearth of blog information nigh these past few weeks. As the webmaster, I've been swamped with getting things ready for our new catalog season (look for your catalog in the mail soon!).

I hope you're all enjoying the busy holiday season, and I hope you can take some time to read and enjoy our latest articles. My new years resolution: to keep up with the blog a little better, and keep you all posted on more doings here at Johnny's.

I hope you all enjoy the holidays, and Happy New Year!

Daria, the Webmaster


  1. Hi,

    First I'd like to wish you all at Johnny's selected seeds a Happy New Year, I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas.

    I have just came across your site today while searching exhibitors at the upcoming Guelph Organic Conference in January 09.

    I am to late to get a booth for this event, but will be attending, I am really looking forward to stopping by your booth, As a keen gardener,and Organic Gardening products Business owner myself, I am always looking to find great information to pass on to my customers. I have certainly found that here! I look forward to receiving your catalog, and enjoying your library of videos. I'm so pleased I found your website,and Blog.

    Gloria Ord

  2. I have enjoyed the new catalog very much.
    I am interested in finding out how to prepare soil for gardening and establishing a mini orchard.
    My backyard does not have very good soil. It was a hayfield many years ago. There is about 4 to 5 inches soil that heavy on the clay side.
    What would be good cover crop to get started with?


  3. Hi Mike,

    We have many cover crops that could be useful to you. You might consider one of the legume products (like field peas), as they add lots of nitrogen to the soil. You'll want to till them in before they go to seed though, otherwise you can end up with them as a "weed".

    Our cover crops are listed here: http://www.johnnyseeds.com/catalog/category.aspx?category=289


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