Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Photos: Johnny's Variety Trials Twilight Crop Walk

Some photos from our June 30 crop walk at the Johnny's Research Farm in Albion, Maine.

The No. 14 back field is our largest. No. 14 features an assortment of lettuce, greens, peas, and summer squash.
Lettuce trials: Johnny's Farm workers did a great job making it beautiful.
Cover crop on left with four clean rows ready to plant.
Another view of the lettuce, greens and chicory trials.
Guests have a closer look at the lettuce trials.
Pumpkins under Agribon row cover. The cover has been removed and now workers are mulching the pumpkin field with straw. Video upcoming.
Guests walk to main fields after returning from back field. That's a pepper trial under the hoophouse in the background.
Tools and Supplies Product Manager Adam shows off a caterpillar hoophouse under which we're trialing eggplants and other crops.


  1. Very nice. I love reading about your crops and whats happening! Your Hansel eggplants are doing great here in cali. They are gourgous and super yummy


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