New Fuseables™ Perfect for Mixed Containers
Blueberry Lime Jam | Key Lime Parfait | Under the Sun |
For summer sales, try these New Guinea Impatiens that grow well in partial sun. Divine Mix Improved (#1407) consists of eight long-blooming colors. The mix is perfect for window boxes, hanging baskets, and mixed containers. The orange is especially impressive, as it has bronze foliage that really stands out in the mix.
This is definitely off topic, but here's my question: How do I keep pine needles out of the garden when they drop (and inevitably blow)? My garden is in a great location (given available options): plenty of sun, well-drained, and so on. But the pine needles drive me batty--the pine trees are all over, and I can't cut them down--I'm in a wetland conservation area. But surely there must be some solution...