Monday, January 31, 2011

Product Spotlight: Radishes


Add some color to your early spring harvests! Radishes are the perfect crop to grow with greens and salad mix for the first produce of spring, ready to harvest in just three to four weeks. For early spring production, we recommend:
Crunchy Royale

Crunchy Royale, a smooth, bright red radish with a mild, sweet flavor. Crisp and slow to become pithy, with large, attractive tops for easy bunching. 28 days to maturity.


Rover is extra-early at just 21 days to maturity. The smooth, round, dark red roots are extremely uniform and have crisp, white flesh with a mild flavor. Holds well in the field.


Rudolf is a good choice in Organic seed, producing bright red, smooth, uniform roots with good taste. It should be grown in spring and fall only, as hot-weather plantings are less uniform and become pithy quicker than hybrids. 24 days to maturity.

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