Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Photos: Trip to snow-covered farms in upstate New York

Johnny's employees Adam Lemieux, Tools Manager, and John Dillon, Visual Asset Provider visited a couple of farms in upstate New York last week. They peeked inside the hoophouses at Paul and Sandy Arnold’s Pleasant Valley Farm in Argyle, NY. That’s Paul in some of the photos. It was about 5 below outside. The temperature under the row cover in the cold houses was 39 above before he removed the Agribon. The Arnolds do a Saturday winter farm market in Saratoga Springs where they sell greens, winter squashes onions and garlic.


  1. These are great pictures - and they look so familiar. I haven't looked in our two high tunnels yet - it was in the minus teens last night and the drifts are up against the doors. But last Saturday the veggies looked just like these pictures. I love how amazed people are when they step inside on days like this.

  2. Thanks! I enjoyed seeing in action what I read about in Eliot Coleman's "Winter Harvest Handbook."


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