Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Product spotlight: Pelleted Basil Seed

Pelleted Basil Seeds

Basil is usually directed seeded, and utilizing pelleted seed is a great time and money saver. Whether by machine or hand, sowing is more accurate. This, in turn, reduces the need for thinning as well as making weeding easier. We are pleased to offer two types as pelleted seed.

Moveable Caterpillar tunnel

Genovese, the classic variety used for pesto, is available as nonorganic pelleted seeds. It also is available as raw organic and raw nonorganic seeds. Genovese is tall, with smooth green leaves about 3" long. It's slow to bolt, so a good choice for multiple cuttings over a long season.

Nufar is an Italian large-leaf type with fusarium resistance. The leaves can grow to up to 4" long, and it can be used for field, greenhouse, and hydroponic growing. Nufar is available as raw organic seed or as nonorganic pelleted seed.

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