Thursday, March 15, 2012

Product spotlight: Grow Lettuce From Spring to Fall


Two Star


Green Forest

Lettuce is easy to grow year-round if you choose the right varieties for each season. In early spring and winter, when soil is cold and light levels are low, disease resistance is important. For summer and fall production, heat tolerance and resistance to tipburn are considerations. If you are growing head lettuce, the varieties you plant now should grow quickly enough to make full size heads before your weather gets hot. Here are our recommendations:
  • Two Star (#451G) is an Organic green leaf lettuce with good tolerance to bolting and tipburn. Great flavor makes this the standard variety for green, full size heads. Also available pelleted. 51 days to maturity.
  • Vulcan (#464) is a red leaf lettuce that offers earliness, color, size, and a crisp and mild flavor. Also available pelleted. 52 days to maturity.
  • Green Forest (#2196) is our most attractive green romaine, and this one is moderately heat tolerant as well as resistant to sclerotinia and corky root. Also available pelleted. Best for spring and fall. 56 days to maturity.
  • Nancy (#438G) is an Organic green butterhead/Boston type for spring and fall. The leaves are thick and crisp, so the head is sturdy and holds well. Good disease resistance. Also available pelleted. 52 days to maturity.
  • Skyphos (#23) has the best heat tolerance and is one of the surest heading of all the red butterheads. Also available pelleted. 47 days to maturity.


Harvest and Seedling Cart
Our new Harvest and Seedling Cart (#7021) is a marvel of design for the market garden. This extremely light and maneuverable cart can carry up to 300 lbs. It accommodates seven seedling trays or five bulb crates or thirteen 5-gal. buckets.

The wheel base adjusts from 28" to 42" so it can straddle beds with 24" of clearance, and the handle is offset so you can push it from the path without straining your back.

Use it to transport plants, supplies, and harvested produce. An optional shade canopy (#7022) is also available. Made in Maine.

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