Friday, April 6, 2012

Protect Your Investment, Increase Yields with Mulch and Row Covers

Black Plastic Mulch is layed down prior to planting heat-loving crops like peppers and tomatoes.

Agribon Row Cover being applied over Quick Hoops™ Low Tunnels.

There are many uses for mulch and row covers this time of year when you're getting ready to plant. Mulch and row covers are economical and easy to use. You can sometimes get more than one season out of them if you're careful when you put them away in the fall.

Start with laying down some mulch. It will help suppress weeds, retain moisture, warm or cool the soil (depending on material and color), and repel insects.

Combining mulch with row covers will really optimize your growing conditions. Row covers help capture warmth and protect young plants from damaging winds and light frosts. Row covers are also the most effective and least toxic form of insect control that we know of.

Here are a few tips on using row covers from Paul Gallione, Johnny's Technical Services Technician, which were recently published in the "Away To Garden" blog.

Visit our website to shop for Mulch and Row Covers.

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